BNP Media Intranet
Enabling "cookies"... |
Before you log in, please configure your web browser to accept cookies from bnpmedia.com (see instructions below). |
Cookies are necessary for the Intranet to function properly. |
The Intranet will never store any sensitive or personally identifiable data in cookies. |
Once you have set your web browser to accept cookies, go to http://intranet.bnpmedia.com to log into the BNP Media Intranet. |
Instructions for browsers supported by the BNP Media Intranet... |
Internet Explorer version 6.0 - Click Tools, Internet Options..., Privacy, Sites..., type bnpmedia.com in the "Address" textbox, click Allow, OK, OK. |
Mozilla Firefox version 1.0 - Click Tools, Options..., Privacy, Cookies, put a checkmark in the "Allow sites to set cookies" checkbox, click OK. |
Netscape version 7.2 - Click Tools, Cookie Manager, Manage Stored Cookies, Cookie Sites, type bnpmedia.com in the textbox, click Allow, Close. |